About the Stohner's

Why a family?

Stohner Pudelpointers was not started with the intention of breeding and training dogs. But after Scotts 30th birthday gift, Lady, his first pudelpointer, he, (quickly they) realized this would begin new adventure due to her unique behavior in the field and home.

Lady was brought in about one year prior to Eli joining the family. He joined through a private adoption that we waited over 4 years to fulfill. Lady came into our family at the right time to assist in a time that we both needed a distraction.

Since we do not currently have plans to breed more than 1 litter every 2 years, we carefully consider every household we send a dog to. 

About Scott

Scott's first interaction with hunting dogs was when he was a young duck hunter braving public lakes in Texas (in diapers) with his Dad (first generation hunter), his brother, and Uncle Ken (Lion Tamer). It was Uncle Ken who trained lions and dogs that brought Lacy on a hunt with Scott. After that hunt, Scott slowly developed a true passion for hunting, primarily behind dogs. During  high school Scott was allowed to get a Labrador retriever in order to train for his own family's hunting dog. Long before the internet and what Scott knows about breeding, the largest flea market in texas is where the training journey began. 

Scott started with a set of CD's and DVD's from the local library and decided to give training a go (solo at 17) unaware of testing, hrc, live birds, basic training aids. It was primarily a tennis ball and actually chasing down the balls to teach Blanca how to retrieve. She became a fine duck dog and was welcomed anywhere. 

When it came down to picking the next hunting dog he stumbled upon pudelpointers by asking on forums about goldendoodle/ labradoodle hunt dog breeders.. (FYI later learned its blasphemy to pp).. Luckily two pudelpointer owners questioned his hunting ability and availability to work a pup. 

After several back and forth emails with Bob Farris of Cedarwoods gundogs, it was decided he would get a dog out of Minnesota 

Lady got to spend some time with Blanca and get some advice

Scott utilizes a circular approach when training any dog, service, hunt, therapy. It is Stohner pudelpointers ideaology that a dog should be able to go anywhere and perform tasks given. Exposure and repetition is key in training.

Hold Condition Vs Force Fetch

Traditionally force fetch has been the standard for establishing a consistent fetch. We utilize primarily a hold conditioning technique and later on when the dog has demonstrated and ability to hold/fetch we can introduce pressure in order to condition the dog. 

Upland -Waterfowl -Track


Even the most serious of hunters and guides require a dog in the offseason. When the season ends we do not want our dogs to be sent to a yard, instead we train for a dog that can live in a calm environment and hunt